[Recover Strong] Overcoming BULIMIA and finding recovery in MID-LIFE: Julie Wickham’s body story

Recovery is possible at ANY age.

Courage Club alumni, social worker, and fellow recovery warrior Julie Wickham has had a transformative journey finding recovery in midlife through Recovery Warriors' programs. She’s here today to share her body image healing story.

Exploring the misconception that 'skinny equals healthy’, Julie challenges harmful cultural narratives and promotes a balanced approach to body, mind, and spirit in health. She also explains how joyful movement and adapting movement for physical limitations has boosted her wellbeing. 

From restrictive eating and bulimia, to embracing her body’s needs - Julie offers profound insights into overcoming fear of weight gain and learning to trust the body again. Her story is a powerful reminder to resist societal pressures and diet culture, and that recovery can happen at any stage of life.


[Recover Strong] Overcoming BULIMIA and finding recovery in MID-LIFE: Julie Wickham’s body story
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