All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 168 in total

[Body Talk] Maintaining a PERFECT IMAGE: Lia Parisyan talks external pressures, emotional exhaustion, and facing bathing suit fears head-on

"There's a lot of pressure in my industry and tech to look a certain way, to dress a certain way, to talk a certain way, to behave a certain way."Lia Parisyan felt imm...

[Body Talk] Working through "MOM GUILT" and managing a CHRONIC health condition with Joni O'Donnell

"The only reason that I started manipulating food was to manipulate my body."Join us for a candid talk with Joni O'Donnell, a certified intuitive eating counselor, bod...

[Recover Strong] Breaking FREE from the binge-restrict cycle with Dana Sturtevant

"The more we're aware of our patterns or cycles, the more we can start to change them."Do you fluctuate between trying to be "good" and eating less, until you find you...

[Body Talk] Fear of AGING, weight gain, and other’s perceptions that control your IDENTITY

🚨NEW SERIES ALERT🚨 Welcome to Body Talk! The latest series on the Recovery Warriors Podcast Channel.In the premiere episode, Jessica Flint & Andrea Wells explore:The s...

[Recover Strong] LOSING the WEIGHT of other people's opinions: Rachael St. Germain's body story

"Life is much more beautiful and free if I'm not constantly scanning the world to see what other people think of my body."Today's episode features writer, mindset coac...

[Recover Strong] Revealing what MEN need in eating disorder recovery with Aaron Flores, RDN

"The number of folks who identify as male and experience eating disorders is going up."Take a listen as Registered Dietitian and Certified Body Trust provider Aaron Fl...

[Recover Strong] The role of BEAUTY IDEALS, body hierarchies, & societal trauma in recovery with Dana Sturtevant

"Our body liberation is bound up in one another. None of us are free until we're all free."Today's episode features registered dietitian, co-author of the book Reclaim...

[Recover Strong] EMBRACING your natural body size: Meghan De Maria's journey to body acceptance

"It’s okay to be fat and to stay fat. It’s okay to not pursue intentional weight loss." Today's episode features journalist and body liberation advocate Meghan De Mari...

[Recover Strong] What's GRIEF got to do with it? The 5 stages of BODY GRIEF in eating disorder recovery

Discover how waves of grief can guide you towards healing.In this conversation, Hilary Kinavey, LPC, sheds light on the role of body grief. Take a listen as we explore...

[Recover Strong] Facing your FOOD FEARS: Exploring the role of a FEAR DIARY in exposure therapy

"Exposure therapy is like jumping off a cliff when you can't see the bottom, and hoping there's a landing."Dr. Carolyn Becker, leading expert in exposure therapy for e...

[Recover Strong] Reclaiming BODY TRUST with Hilary Kinavey, LPC, of the Center for Body Trust

Is it really possible to trust your body after living with an eating disorder?Today's guest says YES. Body trust is a birth right, and you can find your way back to it...

[Recover Strong] Overcoming BULIMIA and finding recovery in MID-LIFE: Julie Wickham’s body story

Recovery is possible at ANY age.Courage Club alumni, social worker, and fellow recovery warrior Julie Wickham has had a transformative journey finding recovery in midl...

[Fear Less] Being SEEN for who you are and caring less about rejection

Be seen for all your diverse beauty, sadness, strength, and struggles.In this empowering talk, Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells dive deep into the heart of vulnerability...

[Recover Strong] "Have you gained/lost weight?" Navigating weight comments and body shame with Dr. Chuks, MD

Unlock the secrets to navigating comments on your body size.Are you struggling with the constant pressure from societal beauty standards? Do comments about your body s...

[Fear Less] Confidence vs. Arrogance: Know the difference and OWN your power

What's wrong with being confident?Imagine the cascading effects of waking up with more confidence over weeks, months, yearsYou would likely....Have more opportunities ...

[Recover Strong] Eat without fear...harnessing SCIENCE to overcome your food and body struggles with Dr. Carolyn Becker, PhD

Dial down your deepest eating disorder challenges using THIS technique.Today is a sneak peek, a little sample, into an exclusive expert Q&A session that recently occur...

[Recover Strong] Eating disorders don't DISCRIMINATE: A medical doctor's take on today's recovery landscape

Never underestimate the power of sharing ED stories. In today's conversation with Dr. Chuks, MD, we delve into the heart of eating disorder recovery, and explore ways ...

[Recover Strong] Skip your workout (without feeling guilty)! A joyful movement DEEP DIVE with certified personal trainer Sam Previte

Ever feel like you had a "bad" day if you don't exercise? This one's for you. Today's guest, certified personal trainer Sam Previte says "In order to make peace with m...

[Recover Strong] "What if I never stop eating?!" Navigating INTENSE HUNGER in recovery

To give into cravings, or to resist them - what's the best strategy?Fellow recovery warrior, mental health nurse, and best-selling author Cara Lisette returns to the s...

[Recover Strong] Unlocking the SECRETS to eating without GUILT with Alex Raymond, RD

Guilt after eating is diet culture's shadow.Today's episode is a sneak peek into our latest Expert Q&A with Alex Raymond, RD held inside the Courage Club. In this tran...

[Recover Strong] Are you being LIED to?! Tackling diet culture BS with Sam Previte of Find Food Freedom

Could these lies be holding you back in recovery?"You must be thin to be worthy""It's your fault if you can't lose weight""Weight=health"Today's guest, Sam Previte of ...

[Recover Strong] SMASHING stigmas and finding the "you" outside of your eating disorder with Cara Lisette

Who are you without an eating disorder?Today's guest is fellow recovery warrior, mental health nurse, and best-selling author Cara Lisette. Over the years she’s candid...

[Beyond Body] Letting go of a food and exercise checklist: Errin Witherspoon's story of creative healing and relinquishing control

"I was using food and exercise as a way to get control of something, anything. Because the rest of my life felt completely out of control."In this episode, we're honor...

[Beyond Body] Saying goodbye to the SCALE with Tiffany Folk

"I thought my body was the problem and that once I lost weight, the eating disorder would disappear. That didn't happen."Fellow warrior and Courage Club member Tiffany...

[Beyond Body] Running ON EMPTY: Finding freedom after decades of bulimia, diet pills, and restriction

"True recovery means that I can eat anything, and trust myself not to purge or compensate afterward." - KimToday we're diving deep with Courage Club member and fellow ...

[Beyond Body] 5 SCIENCE-BACKED methods to improve body image

Hack your brain to heal your body image. 🧠Dr. Carolyn Becker is a licensed clinical psychologist and professor at Trinity University at the Center for the Sciences and...

[Beyond Body] 5 INTENSE emotions that come up when healing body image

"At the most basic level, everyone who's struggling with an eating disorder, is struggling with a profound sense of disconnection and shame."In this episode you'll lea...

[Beyond Body] 5 things to know about CONTROL and eating disorders

"An eating disorder starts out as a way to gain control, until it starts controlling you." In this episode, we explore the scientific research on the role control play...

[Beyond Body] Infertility, early MENOPAUSE, and pregnancy loss: The perfect storm for an eating disorder

"I had so much body grief and body resentment at this time that I completely lost my way. My body image took a huge hit. And a huge hit in terms of my eating disorder....

[Beyond Body] How STAYING SMALL kept her from opening up: Sarah Wiseman's story of renewal

"I had really lost myself, but I love who I am now. I love growing into my recovered self."Fellow warrior and Courage Club member Sarah Wiseman joins Jessica to share ...

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