All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 157 in total

[Recover Strong] RE-WRITING your body image story with Nia Patterson

What stories do you tell yourself about your body?That's what fellow recovery warrior and mental health advocate Nia Patterson asks in their new body image workbook Wh...

[Fear Less] Letting go of FEAR OF JUDGMENT and other's opinions about you

"You've gained weight.""You're too much.""You aren't credible."What judgments are you most afraid of hearing? In this episode, Jessica and Andrea talk about letting go...

[Fear Less] The WORTHINESS WOUND and fear of gaining weight

What if it's okay to gain weight?In this episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss the worthiness wound and how it ties into fears of gaining weight. They break down societa...

[Fear Less] Making this the year you commit to what you ACTUALLY want

NEW Episode! Stop "should"ing yourself!In this episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss throwing out the long lists of "shoulds" that are holding you back in recovery, so y...

[Recover Strong] ONE thing that can change EVERYTHING in your recovery

Sometimes it only takes one thing to set your recovery on a new and stronger path.Today we are bringing back a roundtable conversation from Team Recovery warriors. You...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for SELF-ACCEPTANCE and Self-Worth

"There are no prerequisites for my worthiness. I am worthy right here right now in this very minute, in this very body."Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recove...

[Recover Strong] Navigating TRIGGERING food & body COMMENTS during the holidays

"You look like you've gained/lost weight""Are you sure you want to eat that?"Comments about your body or what you’re eating are upsetting, no matter what size you are....

[Love Notes] Affirmations for breaking free from societal BODY STANDARDS

"My body is not my worth.""I reject the notion that there is a single definition of beauty.""I let go of judgment and self-loathing about my appearance."Welcome to Lov...

[Recover Strong] 5 ways to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK around holiday desserts & treats

No more fearing, avoiding, or bingeing those holiday treats!It’s that time of year when sweets like candy and desserts come out in full force at holiday parties and fa...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for a RECOVERY WARRIOR MINDSET

"The process of recovery may be challenging, but it’s worth it and I know it.""My happiness does not depend on my weight or size.""I don’t need to excessively exercisi...

[Fear Less] Tired of battling an eating disorder? 3 TIMELESS PRINCIPLES to turn around the disappointing feeling of being stuck in the recovery process

Are you where you thought you would be in your recovery? In life?If you're feeling the sting of exhaustion, disappointment and discouragement, please know there is no ...

[Recover Strong] Do you get full fast? A GI Doctor explains why

Sometimes it feels like an eating disorder and gastrointestinal concerns go hand in hand. This episode is a peek into an exclusive expert Q&A session that occurred liv...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for embracing uncertainty with CONFIDENCE

"There are positive outcomes I am not yet aware of.""Even when I don’t understand what is happening, I trust the unfolding process of life.""I am choosing to be at pea...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for cultivating greater BODY ACCEPTANCE

"My body does not define me as a person.""There is more to life than shrinking my body size. I’m ready to experience it." "Accepting myself as I am right now is the fi...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for healing INNER CHILD wounds

"We are safe now. I'm here to protect and provide for you.""The pain is no longer yours to carry. It never was yours to carry.""You are worthy of love and belonging." ...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for breaking FREE OF UNWORTHINESS and shining your light

"There are no prerequisites for my worthiness. I am worthy right here right now in this very minute, in this very body." Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recov...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for calling in CONFIDENCE and SUCCESS

"I am worthy of what I desire.""I am willing to release old, negative beliefs that stand in my way.""I move beyond past limitations into freedom." Welcome to Love Note...

[Recover Strong] Feeling Judged? 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parents and others with Amir Yass

Food & body judgment from others can really throw you off in recovery. This is a challenge intimately understood by eating disorder survivor and popular content creato...

[Love Notes] Affirmations to transform PROCRASTINATION into productivity and prosperity

"By taking care of this present moment, I signal to myself that my well-being matters.""Today I take 100% responsibility for my life.""I have everything within me I ne...

[Fear Less] Why we SELF-SABOTAGE: Common inner barriers and blocks to success in recovery

Have you ever felt the urge to retreat back to your eating disorder, despite making progress in recovery?In this episode of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea W...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for allowing yourself to be SUPPORTED and guided in your recovery

"People have walked my path before and I can tap into their wisdom.""The more support I receive the more powerful I become.""When I say "yes" to support, I say "yes" t...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for letting go of CONTROL

"Needing to know exactly how something is going to end before I begin, holds me back from experiencing life. I choose to experience life in all its rawness and realnes...

[Fear Less] When recovery feels like it’s TAKING FOREVER and will never happen

If you're struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, this one's for you. In this episode of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells explore the topi...

[Recover Strong] DECADES of food and body struggles: 5 important things Intuitive Eating Counselor Joni O'Donnell wishes she knew earlier in recovery

Hindsight vision is 20/20. In today's episode, Courage Club alumni & Intuitive Eating Counselor Joni O'Donnell shares what she wishes she knew earlier in recovery, to ...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for forgiving yourself for BINGE EATING

"Binge eating is an opportunity to gain wisdom around what I’m feeling, what I need, what my body is telling me, and my deeper hunger for love."Welcome to Love Notes, ...

[Fear Less] Start approaching your recovery like TAYLOR SWIFT and watch it transform

Sometimes you gotta turn to the pros. Think about the level of dedication that a professional like Taylor Swift shows up with for her music and fans.Taylor Swift shows...

[Recover Strong] 5 ways to overcome FOOD and EXERCISE OBSESSION

Are you ALWAYS thinking about food? Do you feel like you need to "burn off" everything you eat?In this empowering episode of Recover Strong, Andrea Wells & Jessica Fli...

[Love Notes] Affirmations for overcoming FOOD GUILT

"My attitude towards food is constantly evolving to a more positive state.""By feeding myself regularly, my body is learning to trust me again.""I need and deserve adu...

[Fear Less] The one BIG LIE that holds you back from taking action and creating change in your life

Could you be falling for a lie that's keeping you stuck and stagnant in recovery?Get ready to uncover the truth, and find the courage to make BIG strides.Join Jessica ...

[Recover Strong] 5 essential elements you need to STAY ON TRACK and make real progress in your recovery

Do you ever get discouraged with the whole two steps forward one step back rhythm of the recovery process? It's exhausting. This is why for this brand NEW SEASON of Re...

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